Sparkling Wine Forum

Consorzio Garda Doc


A hilly region with unique landscape characteristics, straddling Lombardy and Veneto, protected by mountains and overlooking the largest basin in Italy: here, between the provinces of Brescia, Mantova and Verona, lies the Garda DOC appellation. This is a wine production area where special climate conditions have shaped the qualities of the various grape varieties that grow there over time and still define their distinctive characteristics to this day. Recognised for the first time in 1996 to enhance the value of the varietal wines produced in the 10 historical production areas of the Garda region, Garda DOC is an appellation guided by a strong spirit of innovation. It is this spirit that has enabled it to evolve over the years based on consumer demands, whilst always respecting a product with ancient origins here. Having been recognised by the government in 2015 and operating erga omnes since 2016, today, the Garda DOC Consortium represents 250 users of the appellation for more than 30,000 hectares of vineyard land eligible for the appellation, giving voice to and promoting one of the most highly regarded specialities of Italian food and wine.

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