Sparkling Wine Forum


Benjamin Bois

Université de Bourgogne

Maitre de conférences


After obtaining his agricultural engineering diploma in Bordeaux in 2004, Benjamin Bois worked as a cellar master for 2 years in Gironde, before turning to scientific research. After obtaining his doctorate in 2007, he joined the Institut Universitaire de la Vigne et du Vin 'Jules Guyot' at the University of Burgundy as a lecturer. Specialising in the 'climate - viticulture' relationship, he teaches viticulture, climatology, digital mapping, zoning and the role of soil and climate in the terroir effect to undergraduate and postgraduate students. His research work, carried out at the Centre de Recherches de Climatologie (Biogeosciences laboratory), addresses the spatial variability of climate in the wine-growing environment in order to gain a better understanding of the extent to which climate contributes to the 'terroir' effect and to spatial variations in plant health risks or climatic hazards (frost, grape scorch, etc.). Benjamin Bois is also committed to characterising the different wine-growing climates around the world and studying the impact of climate change on wine-growing terroirs. Benjamin Bois was Chairman of the OIV Viticulture Commission from 2015 to 2018. He is a board member of the International Viticulture and Enology Society and associate editor of the journal Oeno One.