Fernando Zamora
Université Rovira i Virgili
Fernando Zamora MarÃn was born in Tarragona (Spain) on 7 November 1960. After studying chemistry, he obtained his doctorate from the University of Barcelona in 1988. He also obtained the Diplôme d'Etudes Approfondies en Viticulture et Å’nologie and the Diplôme National d'Å’nologe at the University of Bordeaux. He is now full professor in the Faculty of Oenology at the Rovira i Virgili University in Tarragona (Spain), where he was Dean for 4 years. He is currently Director of the Experimental Cellar at Rovira i Virgili University and Chairman of the Oenology Commission of the International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV). He has supervised 18 doctoral theses, published 81 peer-reviewed scientific articles, over 100 articles in other journals, numerous book chapters and several conference papers, and works as a consultant oenologist at a number of Priorat (Roquers de Porrera), Montsant (Cal Bessó) and Cava (Juvé y Camps) D.O. wineries. He is co-owner of the famous Spectacle del Montsant wine.