Jaume Gramona
INNOVI Vine and wine catalan cluster
Jaume Gramona is vice president of the Consell Comarcal de Producció Agrà ria Ecològica and oenologist expert. With a life dedicated to the wine world, on his formation highlights of being Specilist Technic on making and selling wines and viticulture, graduated in eonologist by University Rovira and Virgil from Tarragona and has a diploma in oenologist and viticulture from Dijon University, France.
Also, he held a master´s degree in quality control, from Chemistry Institute from Sarriá and master´s degree in aromas and fragrances by the Polytechnic University of Catalonia.
In his professional career, he was professor of sparkling wine on Business Training Institute of the Madrid Chamber of Commerce and on Institut Català de la Vinya i El Vi, and associate professor at University of Barcelona and University Rovira and Virgili. But It is not the end, had thought in many centres, he is currently professor in Basque Culinary Centre.
He was President of Cavas Gramona, member of Subcensus 3 of the Cava Regulatory Board and a member of the Board of Directors and Executive Committee and Treasurer of Innovi, Clúster Vitivinicole of Catalonia. In addition, he is a member of Union International des Oenologues, member of the Spanish Oenologuest Asociation Federation, President of TerraVitium and Penedes and professional taster in different competitions.