Sparkling Wine Forum


Maria Carla Cravero

CREA Ricerca

First Researcher at CREA-VE-AT


Graduate degree in Agriculture and post-graduate degree in Viticulture and Enology (University of Turin –Italy). Research experience in grape and wine physical-chemical analysis (1988-1997) and since 1997 to present in sensory analysis of grape, wine and alcoholic beverages. Coordination of the activity of a trained panel of CREA (Asti). Collaboration for sensory analysis in different viticulture or enology research projects also with other research institutions. She coordinated research projects and feasibility studies supported by private or public institutions. Organization of many workshops and seminars on wine sensory analysis. Member of the OIV (International Organization of Vine and Wine) Italian National Committee of Experts (2005-2015), she attended the meetings of the Subcommittee Analysis Methods and she collaborated in the drafting of the Review document on Sensory Analysis of Wine (in OIV site). Professor (2003-2010) of Sensory Analysis B, at the University of Eastern Piedmont (Alessandria, Italy). Member of Italian Association of Oenologists since 1995 (Law 129/1991). Member of the Italian Sensory Science Society (SISS) since 2004. Certificate of Quality and Professional Qualifications of the Service as Sensory Project Manager (since 2014) Italian Sensory Science Society (Law 4/2013). She contributed (2014-2017) to the SISS Italian Taste project. Ordinary member of the Accademia Italiana della Vite e del Vino (Italian Academy of Vine and Wine). Expert of the Italian Minister of Agriculture for the evaluation of research projects. Member of the SIVE (Italian Society of Viticulture and Oenology) committee for the assignment of the biennial SIVE Versini Award and International Award OENOPPIA (2013-2019), Enoforum Award 2020 and Enofrum Web Contest 2021. Reviewer of international peer journals. Co-author of one Patent and author/co-author of about 250 papers (International peer-reviewed, conference proceeding, professional journals and magazines, chapters in monographs). She contributed to translate the “Traité d’oenologie” of P. Ribéreau-Gayon, D. Dubourdieu, B. Donèche, A. Lonvaud, from the French to Italian II edition (2003), III edition (2007) and IV edition (2018). Co-author of the book “Mario Ubigli, Maria Carla Cravero - Analisi sensoriale e degustazione del vino. Descrittori e metafore, Edagricole, Novembre 2020 pp.398. ISBN 978-88-506-5600-4

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