Sparkling Wine Forum 2025


Pierre-Louis Teissedre

Institut des Sciences de la Vigne et du Vin - Bordeaux Aquitaine



Pierre-Louis Teissedre is Oenologist of the Faculty of Pharmacy of Montpellier and Doctor of the University of Montpellier 1, he was, in 1993 and 1994 Associate Doctor of the University of California at Davis -USA in the Department of Oenology and Viticulture. Assistant-Professor at the University of Montpellier 1 at the Training and Research Center in Oenology (Pharmacy Faculty) from 1994-2004. Pierre-Louis TEISSEDRE is full Professor at the ISVV of the University of Bordeaux since 2005 and was Deputy Director of the UMR 1219 Oenology (Oenopro Group) of the Faculty of Bordeaux Oenology where he heads the Laboratory of Applied Chemistry. He is also director of the Oenoviti International network made up of 40 partners universities from the European Union and Non-European in the field of wine and viticulture and 20 associated industrial partners. Member of UOEF (Union des Oenologues de France) since 1989, Pierre – Louis TEISSEDRE is also rector of the French Oenologists Union since 2013 and was elected 1st Vice President of UOEF in 2019 and Vice Chair of UIOE (International Union of Oenologists) in 2021. Pierre-Louis TEISSEDRE is an OIV expert in the -Wine Technology, – Food Safety, – Consumption, Nutrition and Health groups since 1996, and serves as Scientific Secretary of the Safety and Health Commission of the International Organization of Vine and Wine since 2001 and become President of the OIV Commission Safety and Health in 2021. He is specialized in research areas of phenolic compounds in grapes and wine: qualitative, sensory and physiological aspects, the chemical analysis of grapes and wine, the qualitative improvement of wines during winemaking and ageing, food safety and health in the wine sciences. He is the author of more than 300 publications and communications in international peer-reviewed journals, 30 books and book chapters and is a co-inventor of 13 patents and extensions. Pierre-Louis TEISSEDRE H index is 55 with 9219 citations. He is Chief Editor of the Oeno one Journal and Associate Editor of an International Journal (Journal Science Food Agriculture), Member of IVES Board and of the Editorial Committees of 4 international newspapers in the vine and wine sector.