Davide Camoni
DOC srl, Vinaria srl
Food technologist Consultant
Davide Camoni, who has a doctorate in food science and technology and is an expert in quality management for agri-food processes, has been working in the oenology sector since 1998, with a particular focus on sparkling and rosé wines. From 2007 to January 2024, he was director of the official pure and applied research laboratories recognised by the Ministry of Agriculture and Accredia. He currently works in oenological consultancy at Vinaria srl, food safety management and partisan consultancy at DOC srl, of which he is a director, and develops new foods at SKFC Biotechnology. Lecturer and speaker for professional associations and accredited training platforms (Assoenologi, Vinidea, Academia, Enoforum, Viteff, World Sparkling Forum). His activities aim to coordinate oenological technology, research and development, neuroscience and high-level vocational training.